Windows 11 OpenVPN

Hi guys,

I have my OpenVPN server running on the IpFire machine and can connect to some Windows 10 clients via OpenVPN. It works well.

I got it working with you here back then:

Now I have a Windows 11 machine and use the same from the Ipfire machine and the same OpenVPN client for Windows, so everything is the same.

The Windows 11 machine does not connect, however, and aborts after a while with the following error message:
TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)
TLS Error: TLS handshake failed

I have no idea what could be causing this.

no one has an idea ?

must not be many Windows 11 users…

Maybe this might help?

Did you use the current client version 2.6.11, download at ?

Then you must set providers option to deal with OpenSSL 1.1 on server side as stated in New OpenVPN 2.6.0 Client (Windows 10 64bit) fails to connect - #3 by dark0ipfire

Did you check all hints in ?

I run several Win 11 with OpenVPN 2.6.10 and newer to a IPFire 2.29 (x86_64) - Core-Update 186 without any problems. Do you use the latest OpenVPN? I use Community Downloads - Open Source VPN | OpenVPN

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Hi guys,
sorry couldn’t answer earlier.
So I’m using OpenVPN version 2.6.11 and have set everything up in the links above and it doesn’t work.
I don’t understand it…
Why doesn’t it work under Windows 11 but under Windows 10?

I run Win11 and use OpenVPN 2.5.9 to connect roadwarrions to OpenVPN server on IPFire. Runs great and I have an absolute steady connection.

Then I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
It works on all Windows 10 computers with the configuration shown in the screenshot

The green connection status is because I had to access it with a Windows 10 machine for the screenshots

I hope the following links will be helpful


I have the almost the same settings. The only differences:

  • TLS-Kanalabsicherung is checked
  • Clients run 2.5.9 or 2.5.10 (not version 2.6.x)

So thank you first of all for your time and help,

I have installed version 2.5.9 (also on the Windows 10 machine) and have activated:

TLS channel security is checked.

Now the Windows 10 machine won’t connect, and the Windows 11 machine won’t connect either.

I’ll try the other help above this evening

I just saw that a new error has occurred:
OpenSSL provider functionality is not available
OpenSSL provider functionality is not available

I found a new error.
A user also has the same problem after a backup on a new machine.

I also used new hardware and installed a backup, but it still worked afterwards.
But here’s the error:
in /var/log/messages the following: VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CRL has expired: C=DE, O=Zentrale, CN=SurfaceaufPTPraxis, serial=6

How can I fix this?

The message that you have is that the CRL has expired.

Presuming that you are running with CU186, there is a bug in that version.

Follow the instructions in this post and the CRL updater will work again.

Make the green change shown in the link at the end of that post on the file /etc/fcron.daily/openvpn-crl-updater and then run that script with the command


and it will run that script and update your crl and the connection will work again.

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Thank you for your time.

I think I’m being too stupid :frowning:

The error still exists: VERIFY ERROR: depth=0, error=CRL has expired: C=DE, O=Zentrale, CN=SurfaceaufPTPraxis, serial=6

That error message still occurs after you ran the command


from the console or ssh terminal?

Sorry but Yes,

After entering:


nothing happens and the error remains after

grep “SurfaceaufPTPraxis” /var/log/messages

Do you have another idea ?

No but maybe @ummeegge has some ideas.