Openvpn config file works on windows 10, not windows 11 (does not accept password)

Has anyone else encountered this? I set up a roadwarrior config for a new Win11 system and when testing it, it says the password is incorrect when connecting. I took the same config, installed it on a Win10 system, and the password works. Any help appreciated.

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Hi @bloater99.

Are you trying with the latest version of the OpenVPN Client? This problem is already known:

If this is the problem, you should use version 2.5.9. If not, someone with more knowledge can help you.



Thank you! Reverting the openvpn client to 2.5.9 fixed the issue.

Apparently Windows 11 has also switched to openssl 3. So is this something that needs to be addressed in ipfire, or is it strictly an openvpn client issue?