Log Summary - OpenVPN - No CRL Update

Yes the ovpn.cnf was moved out of the /var/ipfire/ directory tree as in the past updates of that file had not ended up being properly shipped.

So the ovpn.cnf was moved to ````/usr/share/openvpn``` where it should be able to be updated without issues.

The ovpn-crl-updater was also updated with that new location but for some reason that change did not get shipped although it was in the commit that was merged into CU186.

The various files look to have been included into the ship except for the ovpn-crl-updater script.


Unfortunately this was not identified by anyone during the Testing phase of CU186.

We will add that file to the shipping for CU187 which should not be too long before going to Testing.

The change to the ovpn-crl-updater is very simple so as a workaround in CU186 you could make the change.
