Not sure where to put this so I choose uncategorized since it may be a mix of different things.
I have a send reports to e-mail functionality on my Asustor NAS and it should connect to my SMTP server on my webhost and send me e-mail notifications. The SMTP is with authentication and uses port 587 and SSL/TLS.
Don’t really use it much, but came to think of it and testing a bit, the mails do not go thru and I am frankly having a hard time finding any communication attempts from the local IP and port 587 in the logs.
I have no custom firewall rules. Everything that is enabled is based in Intrusion Prevention and location.
For kicks I also tested with Google Mail and trying to send that it fails immediately with an error 5905 that could probably mean anything, don’t know if that is a Gmail error or an Asustor error. I also tested sending via an Outlook account and that works, but not what I need to use.
BTW, sending mail via IPFires Mail service works with the same settings and has worked since I first configured it months ago. Port 587, StartTLS, even with explicit TLS .
Ok. So the service is set on 587.
I had misunderstood as well .
My instinct is to try copying all the Outlook parameters. It works with Outlook, okay?
If the NAS parameters are the same as Outlook and it doesn’t go (as I imagine), I can’t think of any other solution for now .
So I understand that your client is missing essential server parameters, right? If so, I don’t see much of a solution, other than to “run mail on multiple servers.”
Or try a NAS firmware update. Maybe they have integrated more parameters regarding the mail client.
However, if you had the problems after configuring IPFire, I too think there is something wrong with the firewall. I can’t think of anything right now, though.
Español. Esto funcionaba antes de poner IPFire en my red, pero lo usaba bastante poco. Hice una revisión de funciónes y probando ésto algo está bloquandolo y ese algo probablemente es el firewall, pero no encuntro nada en el log que me indique de alguna manera si ese es el caso. Eso es lo que busco.