The IPTraffic AddOn is now packaged together in version 0.8.2. Many thanks to Matthias and Jon for their input and comments. Especially Matthias, who gave me one or the other puzzled hour.
Anyone who agrees to test the AddOn should be aware that there may still be one or two bugs. Hence the advice not to use the AddOn in productive systems.
I am looking forward to your feedback.
→ Copy to ‘/opt/pakfire/tmp’
→ Unpack with ‘tar svf [package name]’.
→ Install with ‘./’.
is there a typo in tar options? … should be tar xvf [package] (x for extract)
Yes, you are right, x must be used instead of s.
→ Copy to ‘/opt/pakfire/tmp’
→ Unpack with ‘tar xvf [package name]’.
→ Install with ‘./’.
I tested it on 153 (test VM), menu option appears after Entropy but I got error 500. Looked at /var/log/httpd/error.log … exec of iptraffic.cgi failed (I cannot copy/paste from the vm) For some reason user/group for iptraffic.cgi is samba/samba, changed it to root:root, fixed permissions to 755, now I can see the iptraffic table, but no ip’s, all data is 0 B here’s a screenshot
Clients to be monitored are added from the ARP list. (click on the pencil icon)
The owner thing has happened before. I can not explain it.
If you check the tar file with -t it shows that files.tar.xz has frank/frank as owner/group. Since my ipfire does not have a user frank, it picks another user, samba is defined as 1000/1000. So, before you create the iptraffic tarball, make sure all files are owned by root:root
I added with the pencil the entry from the arp table, started YouTube to generate traffic and I got numbers (and the View Graph works). Very nice, indeed !
With this tar ball should go. At least I hope so.
iptraffic-0.8.2-1.ipfire.tar (30 KB)
this should be fine. tar -t <package.tar> looks like:
$ tar -tvf iptraffic-0.8.2-1.ipfire\(1\).tar
-rw-r--r-- root/root 986 2021-01-23 09:57 ROOTFILES
-rw-r--r-- root/root 11592 2021-01-23 09:57 files.tar.xz
-rwxr-xr-- root/root 2074 2021-01-23 09:57
-rwxr-xr-- root/root 1711 2021-01-23 09:57
-rwxr-xr-- root/root 1691 2021-01-23 09:57
Thank you very much
@anon79392304 - anything to add to the IPTraffic Wiki?
The description is actually sufficient. Only the image of the graph should be updated.
Thanks for your work.
I noticed that when I click View Graph, the first 4 graphs (hour, day, week, month) display the hostname as the title but the last graph (year) displays the ip address instead.
Normally you just have to wait - the graphs are updated in different intervals. And in your screenshot there are no counters ("-nan" = not a number) to compute, yet. “Month” and “Year” take a while…
Note the “Last update:”-line at the right bottom…
EDIT (added screenshot):
After changing the language and waiting a few minutes not all images were updated. Just wait.
Hi all and thanks for your effort for this addon.
Have used this link → AddOn IPTraffic is looking for further testers - #7 by radiocarbon and installed it like explained but i get this error:
Hi Erik,
how long did you wait before clicking on the graph link?
Hi Matthias,
possibly 30 secs. OK now the database has been initialized .
I have installed the proposed addon - very nice! Useful tool; thanks!
Hi there!
I installed the add-on with no time. It’s useful and works perfect so far.
brgds, Wayne
Installed th addon, too. No issues.
BTW: nice to see how the RRDs and graphics extend. The hostname changes from IP to name, once the data are propagated to the next higher level.
I am leaving the IPFire community.
You will have to find someone else to take care of this addon in the future.
I wish you all a good life.