AddOn IPTraffic is looking for further testers

Why do you leave?
Your addon isn’t really discussed in the dev community. Main annotations were formal things only, to get it manged in the defined development process.

Du kennst das mit dem “Rufen” und den “Wald”?

You know the one about “calling” and the “forest”?

There are persons who should work a little on the discussion form. IMHO

If I ever continue to work on the AddOn, it will be just for me. This way I don’t have to worry about any specifications.

But this isn’t really in the sense of an open source project under the GPL!
It is ok, to do some private modifications. But if there is a ‘feeling’, that a feature is interesting to more users of the project, one should publish the code. This way you got the basic system you use. IMHO


My approach was to make it available to the general public. The current version is still available for download.
Until today at 21:05, I was ready to contribute. but apparently there are people who have eaten the wisdom with spoons. Well then, let them do it better.
So far, I have always been open to criticism, if it is justified and presented in a mannerly manner.

I think that was my last comment here for now.

For what it is worth…

I’ve been looking for something that monitors client traffic and I was hoping IPTraffic would meet that need. We’ve been going over our data limits and I need to find the offender (I have a good idea).

I’d been using pmacct for the past year (on and off) and that does a great job of collecting the data. But there is no nice user interface for displaying.

I was looking forward to using IPTraffic!

Frank, I like iptraffic and will use it (I kept that tarball so I can install in my main ipfire).

I was long waiting for this addon. I used it along time under IPCop.

@anon79392304 please do not stop the good work! Please keep on going. This is much needed!!


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Just for the records.
An addon for measurement of IP traffic of single clients is needed. But the implementation of the proposal isn’t efficient at all points.
Frank ( radiocarbon ) reacted upon a discussion at the dev list with retiring.
I don’t think this is the way, our project can advance. IMHO.

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This add-on and its function seems to be incredibly awesome. Unluckily the author has left the ship. I can’t see why.

Does anyone of you think that this can be made available for all users at some time?

I noticed a few things

The traffic is approximately doubled instead of 14MBITS it is almost 28MBITS

And the graph is only recorded sporadically and has extreme holes

I installed the version ip traffic-0.8.2-1

I installed IPTraffic. added devices. It appears to be working. Thanks to ANON if he comes back to read this.

Thanks man for this marvellous job! I’m discovering IPFire and your addon is on FIRE! :+1::muscle::clap::clap:
Many, many thanks!! Tremendous job!

Its a shame three is no supported GUI for this, it is something ipfire is lacking.