Raspberry Pi 4B Upgrade to Core 182

I just did an upgrade from Core 181 to Core 182 via the web interface. When the Raspberry Pi 4B didn’t boot, I realized that I was seeing this issue again: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.5 - error -5 whilst initialising SD card - #8 by wiesel

Should I assume that I will need to “fix up” my image after each upgrade or will there (eventually) be a solution to this?

Thanks again for IPFire!

I see the code in the boot.cmd file:

And since the code has not changed, you assumption is correct.

@Arne would need to answer this one.

Arne has many ARM devices, but he may not have an RPi4B to determine the real issue, and to code up a change, and to test a new config…

A post was split to a new topic: The changes in the boot.cmd does not help