The changes in the boot.cmd does not help

Just performing the changes in the boot.cmd does not help. Do I need to rebuild the image, although there should already be a running image on the SD card?

Hello Wolfgang - welcome to the ipfire community!

Can you enter additional details about your issue?

And what RPi you have and what version of RPi.

See: RPi HardwareHistory -

And there is some information here:

Hi Jon,
I use a RPi 4B Revision 1.5 with 4GB RAM and 32GB SD. The firewall is used in the context of an amateur radio project between my LAN and the HAMNET.

I had installed Core 180 with the well-know modifications to boot.cmd. Last night I wanted to upgrade to Core 183. Everything went fine until I rebooted the device. It never came back. It even does not fetch an IP address.

So I explored the issue and found your post. Your problem appears to be identical to mine. Therefore, I removed the SD card and modified the boot.cmd in my Windows PC. This did not solve the problem, though. Therefore my question is whether I have to recreate the image on the SD card or whether there is a solution which maintains the IPfire configuration.

I’ve found that both steps are necessary. Lately, I’ve been considering a new process where I always create a new SD card for each version given this requirement as well as leaving me with the ability to easily swap back to previous version if something goes wrong.


I have Revision 1.1 or 1.2 but not Revision 1.5. So I’d follow @csete advice above.

I tried to buy a new RPi a while back but I ended with old stock!


Thanks, Craig and Jon. I hope that at some point in time there will be a more elegant solution to the problem.

Best regards, vy73 Wolfgang

After making the changes in the boot.cmd file, reboot the raspberry pi to make changes apply.

boot.cmd is the source-code of the file. It must converted to a binary file with checksums with:
mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.cmd boot.scr

I still not understand what this changes do and i have also no new hw rev.
For me the changes looks like they introduce an error at device-tree load which triggers a fallback to grub.

Have you tried to erase boot.scr? If this not exist it try to boot with grub first.

Thanks. I will try this next time. For now I have reinstalled the image with the latest core because the firewall is in daily use. I guess I have to create this new image on another linux machine.