Microsoft Edge doing something weird

Hi all, So I have this weird issue with Microsoft Edge and ONLY with Edge, no other browser. When I try to go to I get back an error with “ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED”. This happens ONLY with Edge and ONLY with this website, so far anyway.
So I went to check on my Firewall Proxy logs and when I try to browse to that website in Edge, I get the following:

The top 6 entries are Edge (http:443). When I hover over that link, I get an IP address of and when looking that up I get this result:
My question is, why on earth is this happening? I do not have that IP address configured ANYWHERE in my firewall setup.
Any insight would be much appreciated.
Thank you.

You could try web searching “ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED” if you haven’t already. Here’s one result that might be helpful:

One more solution.



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@mephib I did indeed do some research on the error, I have even done a clean re-install of Windows 11. No difference.

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Only on Edge, only that website, and you reinstalled Windows. Are you able to try on a different device, on same network, signed in on your Edge profile and also not signed in? Just wondering if it’s a specific Edge setting tied to a profile that will just be used again even after a Windows reinstall.

Could this be related.

There is a fix for the above problem.

Not using any Edge profile.

@hvacguy Thanks, but no, did the update but no change. It is so weird. I wish I knew where that IP address of was coming from in Edge or wherever.
EDIT: OK, so I disabled the proxy on IPFire and now the website works on Edge. I did try adding it to the Excluded URLS by inputting *, however, that did not work. Only by completely disabling the proxy service was I able to get Edge to browse to that website. I am not sure where to from here. Oh well.

@tphz Errors rectified.

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The following links may explain where the IP address came from


No, neither of them explain anything that is comprehensible or relevant to my situation. Thank you anyway

If it were me, I would check logs next. Maybe even grep for tomshardware or something like that. (edit: or maybe grep that ip address -

OK, found a kind of a “workaround” for now, I have added and to the URL Filter Custom Whitelist and enabled it and now the website is coming up.
Thank you to all who responded.


Maybe have a look in the /var/log/squid/cache.log file to see if it is being blocked by the squid-asnbl-helper script because something somewhere is listing it as having a selectively announced network. If it is then you should find the url or the IP mentioned in that log.

EDIT: if it is only ocurrong with Edge and not with other browsers i don’t reall understand why whitelisting it would then allow Edge to accept it!

@bonnietwin I see this:
Jan 10 18:38:07 squid-asnbl-helper[13955] WARN: No ASNBL configured. This is acceptable as long as this script is configured to do anything, you just have been warned…
Could this be the issue and if so, how does one resolve it, please?

No that is the normal message. If that is all you have then nothing has been getting flagged up by the squid-asnbl-helper script.

Sorry. No other idea. Also can’t test out myself as i don’t use Edge at all.

Exactly! That is my dilemma as well.
I did a search in cache.log and neither the website URL or the IP address is there, so not a clue either.
I use Edge simply because it uses less RAM than Firefox these days and it is included in Windows. I know, I know, a lot of people hate Microsoft, but I use it mainly for gaming and I like to keep my Windows installation as “clean” as possible with minimal additional apps installed.

To add to the information

  1. 443 is translated/converted to address

  2. I found two topics on the forum related to http:443

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In my URL-Filter-Protocol i found tomshardware blocked, because its in the “ads” blacklist.

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@tofficap Thank you for your reply. Where do I find the webpage you are showing, please? I do not understand German, or is that the same as the URL Filter logs in English?