Making things clearer - writing for dummies

Hello Michael,

since you’re doing it again here, I wanted to place a comment on this layout appreciation. It seems you’re using some kind of mobile device and along with this elevate it as standard viewing device (it is not!). So you seem to value all the hints e.g. on the webdesign pointing to the waste of space on the screen through your mobile-device-view. This screenshot above is somehow a prove of leaving out of mind other devices. Here is what I am facing:

So from my point of view I don’t see a really responsive Webdesign. I’d be happy to see this improve in the future because currently it is adversely for the usability (lots of scrolling needed due to only view informations at the viewport).

– Simulacron

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@anon47238184: For the wiki you are right, Concerning the community pages I can not fully agree. The header and footer take whole the width. The body may be somewhat wider, but I think it is okay.
Which browser do you use?

It is 2020. More than half the internet traffic is mobile.

And you are pointing out a design problem that we have in general: computers are wide screen and phones and other handheld devices are not.

You have a zoom button in your browser somewhere if you want to scale up things, but it is generally not a good idea to use the whole width of the screen for the text container. Every newspaper, most other pages with plenty of text content have a container width limited to 900 to 960px. The rest is filled with ads, which we do not do here.

So, I cannot see what you are proposing. This might not work for you, but that does not mean it doesn’t for others.

It’s not problem of wide or narrow screen but of orientation. Real computers ( desktops, laptops, … ) use “landscape”, microcomputers with telephony ( smartphones ) use “portrait” orientation, like books ( without the possibility to turn pages or a number of them easily).


I’m a new user, installed IPFire today and posted a first question on this forum today. I did research for a couple of weeks and tried OPNsense prior to deciding on IPFire now. My research involved web search engines, youtube searches, this forum AND the wiki.

I’d say: the current wiki contains some really good documentation and explanation of the functionality that is built in IPFire. :+1: What I missed: (simple-) usecase scenarios with step-by-step guidance. I intend to provide such scenarios in near future, still have to get more familiar with the product first.

Let’s say if I would want to make a step-by-step guide for a usecase like “Basic setup IPFire as a router to enable desktop pc’s and laptops/cellphones to connect and use the internet”. Would such a guide best be posted as a forum-post or should this be created as a wiki-page?

I would suggest starting as a Community (forum) post. Then get some feedback. Once it is “done” then move it to a wiki page.

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A post was split to a new topic: Update Proxy Wiki