The network generates traffic in Internet upload for about 500MB per hour, this only in certain hours of the day.
My ISP is penalizing me for this excessive traffic and therefore I have to find who is generalizing it.
How can I do from IPFire?
Then, having found the PC, I have to understand what is generating it. Anyone have to suggest me a tools for Win10?
You can try
Look up how to use iptraf-ng
The LAN station monitor
or IP traffic monitor
function should be helpful
If indeed, a win10 pc is the issue,
Settings > Networks > Data Usage where it lists which app has traffic
I need to find the PC that is generalizing traffic in INTERNET UPLOAD.
The traffic over PC’s ethernet card is also for other reason, for example to NAS, server or printers.
Czy próbowałeś iptraf-ng?
The following is an example of using the LAN station monitor
function on interface green0
Before uploading a large file
When a computer uploads a large file
You could also look at pmacct
This monitors data usage down to the client level and the data is stored either in a memory table or in an sqlite3 database.