There is of course overlap on these three options. Probably if you are using drop hostile you don’t need IP Blocklist spamhaus or Location Block XD but that is my surmise, not checked or confirmed by looking at the lists used, although drop hosile and location block use the same list (XD).
If you turn off the logging of Dropped Input Packets then that should remove the drop hostile. You have to decide if logging input packets that are dropped anyway buys you anything useful from the info point of view, especially if you have that many attempts with drop hostile alone.
For me turning off Logging Dropped input packets (FW Options) DOESN’T remove drop hostile. As you can see above in my screenshots. It is weird but it doesn’t stop logging incoming packets.
If you think it supposed to I will open a bug report.
Sorry, I missed that you already had logging for dropped input turned off.
I don’t know if the code was written with the intention of also turning of the drop hostile incoming. As that option was added later it might be separate from the other coding.
As quite a few people seem to be inundated with drop hostile messages it seems reasonable to add an option for dropping logging of drop hostile for incoming.
I would raise a bug on it but maybe put “improvement suggestion” into the title.
Yes, both of those are incoming only.
It will as long as the involved signature is a drop signature. Not all are. Some are just to provide info of suspicious traffic that might or might not be something to drop.