CU 183 testing - IPFire Logo broken

you are not the only one feeling like that.
one can call this a huge design change.
it looks like users/community can not be taken into account at all.
because of:

This project isn’t a democracy. There are democratic elements to how we make decisions, but it simply isn’t possible for us to make decisions based on majorities. And the reason for that is that we have a huge code base that people would need to know to make a decision. That is not the case, and so we cannot allow people to make decisions out of the blue. We would end of having votes for unicorns and flying cars, just because people would want it - not knowing much about what it actually takes to realise things.
Improving Usability? - #82 by ms

but the missing logo was widely announced:

thank you for your feedback, but this is a lot that is very late. The design has been developed over a long time and we have taken certain decisions. I have commented on that in length on IPFire Community.
13613 – New GUI with Core 183 changed for the worse

so far the not positive feedback is ignored the right way.
also posts are silently deleted. :clap:

thanks @siosios and @tofficap for the good ideas to fix this :+1:
happy individual instance patching :clown_face:

@markadewet sorry almost forgot you:
/etc/init.d/apache restart

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@current_user Thank you, kind sir, I just was not sure it was in fact Apache, thank you for confirming

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Thank you to @current_user and @tofficap old style theme installed and working 100%.


Indeed not a democracy. Or just an old backup being restored, but I don’t think so.

Does anyone still have the text of those deleted posts from their email notifications and could PM it to me? I only had a quick look at those mails, deleted them, and opened the post to read it there, but was surprised to only see old posts…

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Sometimes users delete their own posts. I had that where I posted a reply, realised it was incorrect in its suggestions as I had misunderstood the cause of the problem being reported and so I deleted the post.

The person with the original post then got the email notification but found the post was missing when he visited the forum.

If someone writes an inappropriate post then a moderator may well hide or delete it but the originator will get a message outlining why that action has been taken.

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Literally no posts have been deleted on this topic from the threads that were going around. Definitely not silently. Like @bonnietwin says, if anything was deleted, we notify people why that has happened. Most likely we just close conversations.


a delete/close requires an active confirmation click! :wink:

you say:

Literally no posts have been deleted on this topic from the threads that were going around.

i posted the reply and have seen the post in the topic
next day it was gone. because i was cheeky enough
to ask whether the new design is an imitation of the securepoint
interface i kind of expected it :person_shrugging:

i dont know what to say to @larsen info about the missing posts :person_shrugging:
is there a bug inside the discourse :bug:

to find a way to whatever:
the new wui was a dev-list request/decision
so the community here is not relevant and the place here
is not appropriate at all? :flushed:
the feedback here will not have any impact to the release at all?
it is safe that the fresh wui will stay?
the few ones here have to find a way patching it individually?

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I cannot say exactly how many posts are missing. Until the next day, I received around 8 mails concerning two threads and the bug report. So maybe 4-6 are missing, and I’m pretty sure not all of those posts came from the same person.

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You - as a member of the community - are able to see every single mail written within the dev list. You can even join them, to directly receive them to your personal inbox! And you don’t even need to understand the whole codebase to join. You also don’t need to say anything, you can just be a quiet reader. If anyone asks for feedback regarding anything, you can give it.
The option to participate within the mailing list is - just as nearly anything else here - open for everyone.


so the answer to the question:

the new wui was a dev-list request/decision so the community
here is not relevant and the place here is not appropriate at all?

is yes, here is not the place to discuss ergonomics, design or logo topics.

so an interested one has to go to:

this explains a lot :thinking:

so - for example regarding this bug - i register on mailman
and send something like:

hello list

the logo is broken and i see text occupying the triple width of the logo:
that prefixes my hostname and causes confusion about my real hostname.
please fix that back to the unmistakeable condition it had before.


I don’t think it’s too much to ask to get the penguin back.

Otherwise it will be like Microsoft gets rid of it’s Windows Logo for Windows or Apple its apple.


or a simple option: logo/text :person_shrugging:
so logo/hostname enthusiasts
logo haters
are all happy together :dancing_women:

just like speedmeter: on/off :roll_eyes:


I wouldn’t mind about this option.

The penguin has been chosen to be the animal, a symbol of Linux. I don’t favor the penguin but it’s not up to me and I don’t know why, but I kind of insist on keeping it as it is, so the Logo is a must have. To keep the identity.



IMO I’d rather have a color scheme that doesn’t hurt my eyes and not have the penguin. Even the option to switch back the old scheme would be better than nothing. I don’t care so much about being able to customize the colors, so long as the one color is not visually grating.

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one has to fix it oneself :man_shrugging:

With the new update to Core 188 the simple replacing of the themes folder won’t work properly for me. So I tried to edit only the CSS.
This is gave me my preferred look-and-feel. Slightly larger and no bright colors. Sadly no Tux - so far.
Changing the CSS hopefully isn’t objectionable.

Under /srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/ipfire/include/css/ rename the original style.css to style.css_bak and insert the following style.css there

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@tofficap have a look at /var/ipfire/ and look for div id=“logo”


@siosios Cool, thanks! :smile: