I put dark mode back on my system and so far I haven’t seen any issues, also I tried the css from another post here on the forums.
Question about the new UI. I don’t have it installed yet, but one of the things I’ve been hoping for in an update is a static top bar. There are times I am scrolling down a long page (be it logs or what have you), and the top bar with the various navigation links scrolls away. It would be nice not to have to scroll all the way back to the top of the page to access the links to other areas of IPFire. Is this part of the new interface?
I have to agree with the others about the hot pink color being hard on my eyes. I hope there will be a way to change back to “Classic UI” or at least change background color.
Hello Tim,
this is currently not a major rewrite of the web UI. That is in progress, but won’t be ready for a while.
This is only a small update on the existing UI which aligns it somewhat to the new look and feel of the project.
We currently do not support any alternative themes.
And one button to scroll up?.
It’s an idea.
First time I saw the new website design, I thought, “Uhh, this would not be everyone’s taste. Hope, they don’t do this to the UI as well”. Well…
Much of the old UI interface (colors) was fine because one lived with it over the years. Changing themes and colors is often a step, not all users like, which leads to discussions like this.
Actually changing well known colors and fonts should at least bring some kind of improvement, which I hardly can’t see here.
Anyway, the new red tone should bring more freshness and be consistent with the website - but in the UI it’s just a hard time for my eyes.
There should be at least a user editable file to set the most important colors. Customizable font sizes would be fine but may break UI design sometimes.
Your question might have got overlooked, because it was in an unrelated thread.
The general recommendation is not to rely on Testing release, in a production environment. If unacceptable problems are encountered, then it is not feasible to revert the same installation to the prior stable release and a fresh install is required.
I keep a separate, older, hardware on which to run Testing. If a Testing release looks sufficiently stable, then I can swap it in as production.
Started rolling out CU183 now that it’s released. Sorry - don’t like the web admin look. The font doesn’t bold well - it fills in and starts connecting letters, such as the “logo” the F and dot of the i run together. The non-bold text looks nice, but is rather lite for the old eyes? If a period follows a 1, the period nearly disappears. The black bars with white lettering are harsh and difficult for me to read - greatly prefer the old grey with black lettering. Even though the font appears to be smaller, I’m getting less information on a screen? Possibly additional space separating lines that didn’t used to be there.
I’d be supportive of bringing back the old logo, too. “IPfire_” looks like part of a variable name.
Would you mind posting some screenshots? If that is ok?
Here’s the classic, easy-to-read interface:
…and the current harsh interface:
Not sure about the extra line height, but on a system with many VPNs, previously could get a whole lot more info on the home screen but now even with the smaller font, each line takes more space:
I want my penguin back!
Thanks. I will most definitely have to find the background code and change it. Or skip this upgrade until a version that is easier on the eyes is available.
The only mitigating factor is that I do not stare at my firewall that often, then again, when I do I need to be able to focus 100% on it without being bothered by neon colours in the interface. It is really an eye-watering experience.
Just updated to Core 183 and copied back the previously saved /srv/web/ipfire/html/themes folder.
Everything is wonderful with the familiar design.
While it’s not overly complicated to change the CSS, I think there should be an easy way, like having a classic and a modern theme to let users decide for themselves.
Have created a bug if anyone wants to comment as well:
I like the new Design.
It creates more accents and the edges appear stronger.
The new Logo looks very modern.
I like the Pinguin too but when you miss it, you can see it always when you restart your IPFire.
There is no logo in html, just text.
@tofficap I wonder if I might ask you a huge favour, would you please upload your previously saved themes folder to here or somewhere? I would love to get the old theme back, from the previous version of IPFire. Thanking you in advance
@tofficap Thank you so much, sir! Much appreciated.
EDIT: One more question, please, once I copy the folders over, how do I restart the web server to show changes? Is it Apache?