Core Update 185

Curious if anyone has updated to 185… howdee go?

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Updated without problems.
System is running without issues.


Thanks Bernhard,

Just finished doing mine… smooth, no issues.

Suricata running OK with ThreatFox Indicators enabled apart from several messages in the Intrusion Detection log that I will followup - at quick glance suggests nothing major.

Kudos to the IPF Team for another job well done (I quite like the new red)


I have updated a IPFire and once the update was finished (for a while I think, since the WUI was left hanging), when I tried to access the Console again, I couldn’t.

I logged in via SSH and restarted Apache and since then, everything seems to be going perfectly.


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After the update the WUI should be accessible, just with my system.
Are you shure the update had finished? pakfire logs to /var/log/messages, where you can check this.

BTW: the console is the the KVM or serial interface, not the WUI. :wink:

for some reason the update did not take kindly to the zabbix pakfire addon and locked up the gui.

We rebooted, and ran pakfire via the CLI with no further issues.



… or SSH right?

Me too.
System runs fine since 0900 this morning.

Hi all, I also had a minor WebGUI issue when I upgraded, the WebGUI froze on the “pakfire working” window, then when I refreshed, it said “ipfire refused to connect”, so I just left it for about 20 minutes, then I pushed the reset button on the box and once it was up and running, I gave it ANOTHER reboot from the status menu, just to be sure. No hassles since.


This is more than a rare problem. It happened on my main IPF, so after some 10 minutes frozen at the “pakfire working” window, I was able to switch tabs to System and execute a clean reboot.

It did not happen on my reserve IPF, which completed “pakfire working” and displayed a message “your system requires a reboot”. Quite different hardware from my main IPF.

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I don’t think so. The console is the direct access to the device. For SSH you need a functioning network.

Ah, ok. I should have understood that.

Console: hardware or physical access, as you stated.

Sorry for the OT bit… I had more coffee today.

Stuck at:

the timer 30 seconds s either not working properly or also stuck.

Left it for almost 10 minutes, then will get it by the throat via IPMI and do a hard reboot. I have still have conn, but we shall see what happens after reboot.

Edit: and up again.