A little logo that i've made for IPFire

This is a little logo that I made for IPFire, it is not perfect but I like it.
Hope you like it too! :grinning:

BTW I’m new to IPFire and so far I’m enjoying it as my Home Router. Thank you for this Cool Project :+1:!


All of the files (also for InkScape): https://drive.proton.me/urls/C7GQHFWA7M#HlbSxAvNwhys

You are free to use this logo wherever you want,


I found the idea and the logo very nice. I immediately got hooked and wanted to try to put the logo on my IPFire Home Page.
I am not a graphic designer. I just played with my imagination a little bit and here is the result:


What do you guys think? I modified the CSS to match the background colors to the logo a bit.
Here is the modified CSS:

/* This controls the width of the fixed width layouts */

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/* Basic Stuff */

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h1 {
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br.clear {
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img {
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iframe {
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/* Header */

#header {
	height: 70px;
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/* Logo */

#logo {
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#logo h1 {
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/* Main */

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/* This decorates all tables with class="tbl" */

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table.fw-nat tbody tr td {
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/* RRD graph images */

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div.rrdimage > img {
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Two lines about how I chose the CSS colors:
The background color on the top of the page and the color of the wording “ipfire.localdomain,” echoes the IPFire wording in the logo. It signifies that IPFire is being used.
The black on the bottom of the page, recalls the black penguin in the logo. It signifies that IPFire “runs on linux.”

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That is really cool, I’m glad that you like it! :smiley: But I’m wondering will it be better if we make another version without the text at the bottom?


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So I added a new version in the same link, it is in the “NOTEXT” folder, can you try out that one?

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Great graphic work :blush:!!!
True, without text is better in this case.
Also because the text becomes small and almost can’t be read. So there is no need in keeping it.

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Hi Carlo,

and Thanks, IPFire really needs a more modern look. And this looks really cool indeed!

:grinning: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Bing does quite good Logos

For regular users, AI-generated logos might pose minimal risk. However, for projects, particularly those with broader visibility or commercial implications, project leaders will probably exercise caution. The legal landscape around AI-generated content is still evolving, and clear guidelines are yet to be fully established.


Can’t see probs there. AI is like a tool, nothing more. I told it do create that picture with my specifications (input). It delivered the pciture (output). Just like any other software does. Just like any other tool does.

People already use AI generated code for their software. The press uses AI generated propaganda pictures. Looks like there can’t be a problem with AI generated content.

It is not about the tool. It is about what license is applicable for the things you DO / CREATE with the tool.

Kinda like Photoshop, if your license to the software Photoshop is not recognised by, lets say for simplicity, Adobe, you or your company do not have any rights to use the images you create with it.

So the question is: how is AI generated images to be licensed? Do you have a subscription with the AI tool, or any other legal document that grants you the right of usage?


Yes, I think you have to be careful with licensing. The law doesn’t mess around. I’m not much on the inside, but it’s easy to run into some problems. At least if you use a completely “original” (and legalized) logo, you don’t risk anything :wink: :blush:.

How was the “original” logo of the initial post created?

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I think there might be problems even if I create an original logo using tools like Photoshop, if I don’t have a license for this software, right?

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This should apply to all things. The license to use software must be original, to produce material to be made available to the public. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think it has always been that way.

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Indeed it has . Mostly .

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Can you make the “IPF” capitals? Like “IPFire”?

Also how does Bing make logos?!?

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I’ve also been experimenting with some AI generated IPFire logos using DALL·E. Some are better than others

Limited to 5 uploaded files on the forum.

Just for information




for my own use I tried several generative AI but I failed to get what I was looking for. Someone that is a bigger nerd than I am has these miniatures placed over the firewall. I wanted for the forum a fav icon showing the same gesture but from two Argontah/Penguins, with a firewall behind. I guess this is too “geeky” for the present incarnation of AI.