Zabbix template for IPFire

I created a set of Zabbix templates to monitor IPFire general stats (Available entropy, state of RNG), services (default IPFire services and possible Addon services), Network stats (Line quality, Open Connections, Firewall hits) and also integrated @starkstromkonsument’s Pakfire template.

For the service states/information I created a Perl script for use by the Zabbix agent, based on the code found in the IPFire webUI services.cgi.

You can find my work here:

Please feel free to comment here or suggest features or problems with it on github.


The platform was removed by Zabbix in favor of the Zabbix community-templates Github repository. Hence the above url to will no longer work.

My IPFire Zabbix template is however recently accepted into the Zabbix community-templates repository so next to my own Github repository, the template can now also be found at:


Hi @robinr1
I think it would be goid to also include the zabbix community template link into the zabix wiki page.

The current link in the wiki links to my own gitlab repo, which is normally the same template as in the Official Zabbix community templates repository (and may even be more recent at some point as I will continue development there and there will always be a delay in submitting changes to the community templates repo.)

I have also submitted a request for this IPFire template to be listed on the Zabbix Integrations platform; When/if that is accepted by the Zabbix team, I will put a link on the wiki to the Zabbix Integrations page for IPFire.


Thanks for your contribution @robinr1!

There is a nice dashboard in the images folder in your repo. However, after I’ve installed the template, I see 2 graphs and 0 dashboards. All 28 data points are fine.

Can you share the dashboard?

Best regards,

Hey @jayrock

The dashboard in the screenshot is an example of what global dashboard you could design using the values collected by the template more as a showcase of what values are monitored than anything else.
I’m afraid Zabbix frontend currently has no way to export or import global dashboards using the web ui. (It is possible using the API, if I recall correctly, but that won’t be very much of use to share as it will contain hard links to the monitored host on my system)
Host-level dashboards (which can be included in template exports) are not able to represent the data in the same way, if even possible, as on global dashboards. At least not up to Zabbix 6.4.
I will investigate if in Zabbix 7 I’m able to create a host-level dashboard that could provide such an overview, and can then be shared as part of the template as Zabbix 7, as I have read, made much improvements on host-level dashboard capabilities.
If not, I may consider writing out on how to create a global dashboard similar to the one in the screenshot. But that may take some time. So no promises yet.
So, in the mean time, feel free to experiment yourself designing your own dashboard; the dashboard in the current screenshot uses default Zabbix 6.4 dashboard widgets and the items as they are collected by the template I share. There is no hidden advanced magic, only a lot of clicking to design it :slight_smile:

Thanks for the quick reply and don’t worry, I will build my own dashboard in this case.

Best regards,

Another detail: Availability/Active checks is always shwon as “unknown”, but the item “Zabbix agent availability” is correctly shown as 1



What’s going on?

The Active checks availability indication is a feature since Zabbix 6.2. But since we use the 6.0 LTS release of the agent on IPFire, this feature is not yet supported by the agent on IPFire:

From the Zabbix documentation: 4 Hosts

If Zabbix agents older than 6.2.x are used, they are not sending any active check heartbeats, so the availability of their hosts will remain unknown.

I’m not sure what check is behind the “Zabbix agent availability” item in your screenshot, as that item is not from my template.
If it is an item, which works either in active or passive mode depending on the item Type, so this will normally always have a value of 1, and has to be checked with a nodata trigger expression to detect when the agent no longer sends a ping.
It could also be a Zabbix internal item type zabbix[host,active_agent,available] or zabbix[host,agent,available] which corresponds to the availability icons in the host list. (0 - unknown, 1 - available, 2 - not available). So in your case this item is probably the zabbix[host,agent,available], indicating the same “available” as the green “Available” in your screenshot.

ok, got it. Thanks for the link and the clarification.
