Zabbix configuration issue?

Ive setup a zabbix dedicated server and then setup the client on ipfire which works and pulls data but using the template from @robinr1 i cant seem to get the pakfire widget to populate. Ive never toyed with zabbix before so im a little stumped on this… see screen shots

What version of Zabbix are you running?
I have tested the template with 6.0, 6.4 and 7.0.
If you are on 7.2, it seems the used Data Overview widget has been removed from Zabbix, and that is then probably why the widget it not showing data on your installation.
There is an open feature request to have a version for 7.2: Wishlist: template for zabbix 7.2 · Issue #8 · RobinR1/zbx-template-ipfire · GitHub
I have not yet had the time to look into that as I’m currently using 7.0 still myself. But I will soon upgrade and then revise the template for 7.2…


yes I’m on 7.2 and just saw the enhancement for top host widget to be used. so now I’m seeing if i can learn how to create a widget lol

The Top Host widget is already present in 7.0, and I tried using it instead of the Data Overview widget, but could not get it to display the data the way I wanted, so I resorted to the Data Overview widget despite it actually already being deprecated.
I’m hoping they changed how the Top Hosts widget works in 7.2 so that it now can replicate the removed Data Overview widget (like they promised in: ZBXNEXT-7515 - Top hosts data and data overview). But as said before, I have yet to check it out.

i did top items and it looks ok i guess

just no way to edit the item names

best i could come up with since I’m new to zabbix

From what I read in Zabbix documentation: 27 Top items
I think you should be able to only add a single item pattern:
Item pattern: *
Item tags: And/Or
component equals pakfire
This should select all pakfire related items.

Renaming the item-names on this view is indeed not possible. You could modify the items in the template but you will have to redo your custom renaming every time you update the template in the future.
(There has been a lively discussion about the naming of items, in case you are interested: ZBXNEXT-8746 - Remove template name prefix from items, triggers, graphs)