Your First Steps with IPFire

New to IPFire? Ask questions about how to install the system and about first steps

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I searched for “ipfire with a bridge modem” on DuckDuckGo. Got this link “” but I end up here “”.
Does that mean the topic does not exist or that I need to do something else to find it?

Почему Firewall не работает через WEB interface, а iptables работает через консоль, и то порты не открываются

Hi everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well. I’m new to IPFire and need some assistance please.

My goal is to setup a LTE modem with IPFire box. I have a netgear LTE bridge modem with a T-mobile sim card. The sim is not locked or has any other credentials associated with it. I know the service works because I’m able to get online while connected directly to the netgear LTE modem and also i have tested with LTE modem connected to a pfsense box.
below are the specs of the devices I’m using.

IPFire version IPFire 2.27 (x86_64) - core168
Pakfire version 2.27-x86_64
Kernel version Linux ipcool.localdomain 5.15.35-ipfire #1 SMP Sun Jun 5 17:58:52 GMT 2022 x86_64 Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU N3700 @ 1.60GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

LTE Modem: ‎NETGEAR ‎LB1121-100NAS

I installed ipfire on the device using suggested method found in the support section.
Then i used the suggestions described here - Mobile Networks (LTE/4G/UMTS/3G/2G)
Is this possible as to what I’m trying to accomplish? I would really appreciate any help on this.

Thank you so much in advance!!!

Hi there, i am used to using the ever so simple IPCOP at probably it’s most basic but it seems the last time they worked on it was back in 2015 either way looking to change I used the unit as a firewall with the TCAR add-on which helped to keep people in and keep people outwith a simple green and red network, now what is bothering me is I need to know what hardware will work with a new setup as I normally have 2 nics one attached to the protected (green) network and the other to WHY internet connection which provides a DHCP/fixed address back to the firewall, I’ll probably like to use the machine I deploy to act as a file server too later on, I’m in RSA South Africa, is there something particular I should be looking for as far as hardware as it is a tricky market right now. Thanks in advance for your input. blessings.

Is the “Green” network NAT’d by default? If so, how do you disable that? My ‘Green’ network consists of a public /28 subnet and connects to several routers/firewall appliances that each connect and administer their own specific and private networks. Because of this, I obviously cannot have the ipFire device performing any sort or kind of NAT between the green and red networks.
I would, in fact, like the ipfire device to basically ignore both networks, beyond maintaining the permanent PPPoE connection to the ISP as well as faithfully passing any/all packets back and forth between the two networks as appropriate. I would like to use the Blue network for device access / administration, but have not been able to find a place to set-up/configure it to connect to a local wifi access point.

Any help in these matters would be greatly appreciated!

Hi, Newb here to ipfire. I have a setup and want to know if it will work. So far it hasn’t. Maybe someone can help me diagnose this. Any help will be appreciated.
I have a standard setup now, main router from isp has dhcp disabled, but clients all use its wireless network. I have a pihole running in network handing out ips currently for that standard network.

I have ipfire installed on a good machine, standard red and green interfaces. I wanted to put my netgear nighthawk x6 wireless router behind ipfire and let it then handle same network. I was hoping to keep pihole handing out ips on that same network, every client on this network is wireless also. Main ISP is, red is, green is, and pihole is
From the router I added clients red and green with static ips by mac address. They seemed to take and when I pinged from same location on main router they pinged successful. I was going to hope to run ipfire headed so atm i have it headless when in use near router. I’m thinking just running ethernet if need be, so i can’t diagnose at ipfire. I’m going to change that because i don’t think its helping. Well I can connect to x6 from another pc using wireless of both networks. It just doesn’t have internet and can’t seem to configure the router to do so. I don’t expect anyone to fix this for me, but if you have any advice I’d truly appreciate. So basically the internet on x6 is going to green on ipfire, then ipfire red is going to ethernet of ISP router, I was hoping to get new wireless working with ipfire, then move it to current network replacing ap from ISP. I can give exact models of isp etc if it helps. I’m guessing I need to add a route but was expecting ipfire to know to send traffic from green to red automatically. I’m using another pc to connect back and forth to networks but on the new one it gets nothing. I have new X6 router running on default factory settings aswell, either configured or unconfigured it won’t get internet. Thanks again for any help. Sorry to drop a big one :smiley:

This may help, not sure: