Does anyone happen to know what addresses can be blacklisted for windows update or telemetry?
My laptop has all that stuff killed off, but new/other pc’s don’t have that done. Hoping for a easier solution.
Iam looking for list to block Updates and Telemetry too. Is there no side where we can get up to date Lists with all the DNS and IP Adresses?
Appologize for double post but I got "Sorry new users can only post 2 links
Spyblocker usese these lists to block Updates
IP 4
I am also considering to use IPfire to block WU. but I can’t figure out how
Unfortunately All my links are being flagged as Ads- what irony,
I was hopeful I can use this Add-on by @timf that I can’t find any way to install it/
Here are some recommended domains to block, let me know how you got it to work
Here is a WU list from November 2020
Here is w10 telemetry list: (could be out of date)
And here is a list of servers used by Spy Blocker: (Dec 2020)
You can add _v6 to the file name for a list containing IP6
Hi @peppetech
The reason they are getting flagged as spam by the discourse system is that you have created multiple posts all with links to the same domain.
One Idea i have, you could use IPFire Firewall Logging or Wireshark to filter out IP Adresses from a W10 in absolute idle mode to update these list in the future from time to time
Good idea, although in my personal experience W10 updates and telemetry are a step ahead of such thinking.
W10 will just keep brute forcing every domain.and they have a unlimited resources of servers to choose from per my limited kno-how,