Windows 10 OpenVPN client connection error

I hope I’m not wasting eyeballs here, but I’m kinda stumped and don’t know where to look.

I have a IPFire installation that’s doing nothing but VPN. I have it set up to use the OpenVPN protocol.

I can make a client package and move it to a Mac and the Mac connects easily. I’m using TunnelBlick on the Mac.

However, when I try to get a Windows 10 box to connect (using OpenVPN’s “OpenVPN Connect”) it stalls on:

When I import the files that came from the IPFire client package, two certs show up in the “Select Certificate” menu.

Neither of them works.

I’m having trouble imagining I’m doing the IPFire part wrong, since it works great on a Mac.

That means I’m doing something wrong on the Windows client, or the Windows client is broken.

Is there a better OpenVPN client for Windows than the one from

Hi whorfin,
and welcome here. This message is documented also on OpenVPN --> . So it seems that this client can´t handle the PKCS#12 format. If you create the client and you do not enter the “PKCS 12 File Password”, you will get a second (the right one) disc icon where you can download the the package without PKCS#12. Or you use the existing package and convert it like described in here --> .

May this helps.




Wow, that was simple!

Thank you very much for your prompt, accurate, and useful answer!

Am happy that it helps :heart: