VPN RoadWarrior Connection Fritzbox --> IPFIRE --> Ipfire (red) --> Ipfire (blue)

If the log has stopped at that last message then something has caused the OpenVPN server to stop midway in startup.

I would suggest doing a reboot. Unless something has become corrupted then the OpenVPN Server should come back either already running or able to be restarted by pressing the Start the OpenVPN Server button. :crossed_fingers:

Reeboot feels goodā€¦=))
On the screenshot you can see (Stopped)
I can only restart the system later, as there is a lot involved here.
It is no longer possible via the ā€œStart OPENVPN Serverā€ button.

PS: : Is IPFIRE also available on Discord or IRC?

legacy mode lines do not exist in my " /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf" Manjaro.
What exactly do I have to comment on?

Just to clarify: Can it also be due to the ā€œx509ā€ certificate?

If we let it recreate it takes max 10 seconds Iā€™ve read it can take up to 40 minutes.
Was it created correctly?

The system is an ā€œIntel(R) Coreā„¢ i5-4670 CPU @ 3.40GHzā€

I donā€™t believe that will be causing the problem you are seeing. The x509 ccertificate/keys/etc are created much quicker since Core Update 172 because the Diffie Hellman parameter is no longer created but is a fixed parameter set at 4096 bits. See this blog announcement and the links within it.

You have to add in lines for the legacy mode.
Follow the details mentioned in the link earlier in this thread. I repeat it here.
The post mentions un-commenting the legacy lines but in my Arch Linux system I had to create the lines.

Your screen shot looks fine. I can not find any problem there.

Before doing a reboot. As pressing the button on the WUI cgi page is not working there might be some message in the http log.


tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
in a console or ssh window into IPFire.

Then press the Start OpenVPN Server button and see what new lines occur in the error_log file.

Please post the new lines created in that log, editing any personal or privacy items.

This might show up where the start process is failing.

IPFire is not on Discord.
It used to be on IRC but the Freenode IRC network was hijacked and that also affected IPFire. They now jave a Jabber server.
https://blog.ipfire.org/post/Relaunching #ipfire

Is ā€œhttpdā€ with usā€¦

I only have the ā€œtail -f /var/log/httpd/error_logā€
But there is nothing in it, no change after clicking on start in the Gui.

tail -f /var/log/httpd/error_log
The Subject's Distinguished Name is as follows
countryName           :PRINTABLE:'**'
stateOrProvinceName   :PRINTABLE:'**'
localityName          :PRINTABLE:'*****'
organizationName      :PRINTABLE:'******'
commonName            :PRINTABLE:'Test9'
Certificate is to be certified until May 22 20:58:14 2025 GMT (730 days)

Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated

Sorry, that was a typo from me.

The fact that nothing shows up means that whatever is stopping the server to show as RUNNING is not linked to any of the code in the WUI OpenVPN cgi page.

Is it only possible to get the VPN_Server running again with Rebbot?

I donā€™t know. It depends on what is causing the problem. I canā€™t even be certain that a reboot will fix it if a critical file somewhere has been corrupted.

Does the OpenVPN server also show as STOPPED on the WUI menu Status - Services in the top table that shows the status of all the core IPFire services.

Yes, it is also shown as stopped there.

Just to confirm, when you press the Start OpenVPN Server button you donā€™t get an Error message box being shown at the top of the page as in this screenshot

If no error message box occurs then that excludes all the parts of the code that have error checking messages in them.

No, nothing is output, no notice, no error message.
It remains as on the screenshot from before.

I have now recreated the whole thing in a VM and have exactly the same behavior. I try to connect. There is an error message in the GUI that there is already a connection with this name.
From this moment on, the server of the VM no longer responds either.?

I am running out of ideas of what to look at or test to figure out why your server is not starting.

To avoid doing a reboot right away, you could remove the x509 certificate set which will clear all the settings of the OpenVPN server back to a default setting and then re-create the x509 certificate set and the Global Settings for the server and then see if the server will start.

You havenā€™t done any changes or additions to the Advanced server options page have you?

You havenā€™t mentioned this message before or I missed it.

Are you seeing that message on the main Global Settings page or on some other page?

As your earlier screen shot showed you are using German as the language could you let me know the exact wording of that error message, in German if that is what has been shown. Then I can search in the code for where that would be getting shown and specifically what would trigger it.

If I try and create a new client connection by pressing the Add button and then choosing the RoadWarrior option and use a name for a client connection that is already used then I get the following error message

A connection with this name already exists.

Checking that in the language files shows that there are no translations of this so everyone will see it in English whatever language they have selected. Is that the specific error message you are seeing or not?

I have a vm testbed set up here and can try and follow your steps and see if I can also recreate it.

When you say that you try to connect and then you get the error message can you be more specific about what you are doing when you try to connect,

Are you seeing that message on the main Global Settings page or on some other page?

I only got the message when I recreated it in the test environment.

Just rebooting the vmā€¦

After restarting the VM, the OpenVPN server runs again immediately (autostart)

I only see that message when I am in the screen for specifying a client connection and use a name that is already used.

I made an error when I searched earlier for that message because it is also in the other language files and in German it would show

Eine Verbindung mit diesem Namen existiert bereits.

I am now going to search through the code to see where that message is used in the OpenVPN cgi code.

It is used three times in the cgi code. Twice for a net2net connection which doesnā€™t apply for you and one for a Road Warrior connection. It is only used if a client connection name is written that is already used.

That may not be specific to your problem but some error that was made when creating a client in your vm setup.

That is good that the OpenVPN Server works again after rebooting.
If you repeat the steps you did before do you get the same problem occurring.

If yes then it would be good to know the specific set of steps used so I can try and duplicate it. If something being done on the WUI can cause the OpenVPN Server to not be able to start that is a bug and we need to figure out how to stop that happening.

Iā€™m confusedā€¦
The error message no longer came, but the server is offline again!

I do it like this:
On debian openssl version 1.1.1n
I import the client package and save the config.
Then I go to connectā€“> and the server is offline.
But after a reboot it works again.

I donā€™t know what to do at the moment?