The PC has 4 NICs to use as network interfaces. One is for WAN( Red). One is for the DMZ (Orange).
I would like to use the other 2 to create 4 separate networks: Works (Green), Guest, VoIP and Home.
In your opinion, is it better to aggregate its NICs and create 4 VLANs or divide the 4 VLANs onto two different NICs?
Work and Guest traffic shouldn’t be very heavy, while Home traffic could be but I could always apply filters by time or bandwidth usage.
I don’t know how to quantify VoIP traffic.
Thanks in advance.
Which are the NICs?
IPfire unfortunately only has the capability of 4 zones.
So I can only create two VLANs, in addition to the Red and the DMZ?
That is correct and as you have 4 nics, you don’t need to use vlans. Normally you would use a vlan if for example you had three nics but wanted 4 zones, then one of the nics would be used both as native with one zone (eg green) and the other as a vlan (eg blue)
If you need more zones then this capability is being built into IPFIre-3.x which is under development.