I updated a running IPFire system in VirtualBox from 186 stable to 189 testing, which fails in reboot. It hangs at this message forever
dracut: IPFire-2
After sending a reset the VM starts ok, but does not detect red0 interface anymore. A second reboot detects red0 again, but shows a warning for chown command, see screenshots.
I did this last week also. With a bigger step ( CU174 stable —> CU189 testing ), with your step included. I had no problems. How have you configured ylour VM?
The main difference to my config is adapter 2, I’ve chosen ‘Host only adapter’ to connect from my host directly.
But your problem is with the red interface. Can you access from the console? If yes, try to reconfig the interfaces with setup.
is related to the mpd package. There was an error in the chown command where a . was used instead of :
Patch for this was merged into next earlier today, correcting that error.
I doubt that message is related to your problem in getting a red connection.
I have done several updates from CU188 to CU189 Testing and one from CU187 to CU189 Testing on vm’s with VirtualBox and all of those updated and then rebooted without any problems.
I have my red interface set up as a Bridged Interface, so the same as yours and my green as internal network.
Can you look in the log for the core upgrade and also in the boot log to see if there are any messages to give a clue what the problem was.
I have upgraded 4 IPFire systems, 2 physical and 2 virtual and all of them had no problem at all.
All the developers and no one running CU188 Testing reported any issues like what you have experienced.
So it would be good to see if there is any clue in the log information.
Without any log information, there is no way to figure out how or if we can fix this problem.