Unable to get Port Forwarding Working

Hi there.

I have just had a Huawei solar and battery system fitted to my house. The system connects to my network OK, but is unable to correctly establish communications with the Hauwei server.

I believe that it uses UPNP to configure port forwarding, and I found this on the website, that says that I need to open up port 27250

The app says that the domain name that it is connecting to is region03eu5.fusionsolar.huawei.com

Despite looking at the Wiki, and searching loads of posts, I have not been able to find a Firewall Rule setting that allows the connection.

Would anyone be able to give me some guidance as to what I need to do?

Thanks in advance.

Maybe I can’t really help, but I also have a Huawei Solar Power system, more specifically the SUN2000-6KTL-M1 with the WiFi SDongleA-05 dongle, never had any connectivity issues with IPFire. Nor anything else, now that I think of it.

I do not use Port Forwarding nor did ever have reason to consider it for this system.

My only issue was, and still is I think, that if I change my Wifi settings I may not be able to reconnect it, but after a couple of firmware updates I think the menus for that are available in the SmartPhone App.

I have no custom firewall rules , but I do have both IPS ( wiki.ipfire.org - Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) ) and all predefined blocks in GeoLocation ( wiki.ipfire.org - Location Block ) enabled.

I don’t even know which ports the Solar system uses, nor do I think IPFire has any UPnP setting, at least not from what I can find in the Wiki.

I would contact your installer, they set it up for me in the first place and should have the knowhow to do that. Or call Huawei.


@robbo100 - I would suggest doing more research before adding this so you know why it is needed.

This gives the outside (THE Internet / the world) access via port 27250 to your new solar setup.

Since IPFire does not have UPnP you need to do Procedure B. This should help.


Thanks Jon

I had previously tried that guide, but it didn’t work. What do you mean by “Procedure B”?


On the link you had sent in the first post there are two recommendations. And one was labeled Procedure B.