UEFI....is it really not supported?

I’m thinking of trying out IFire and did a read on the hardware requirements.
It says “Systems that only provide the EFI boot mode are currently not supported”, what does that mean?

1: First of all, are we talking UEFI or EFI, the later is the original Intel version from mid 90’ties, that’s not in use anymore (I hope?)

2: Secondly, ALL my hardware has legacy BIOS disabled and I only use UEFI…it became a standard 15 years ago!

Can I use IPFire with UEFI?

Same here and works fine with UEFI and secure boot off.

Here are IPFire blog articles about EFI. Maybe this will help…


Yea, it says “Installing IPFire from ISO on i586-based systems failed because of a bug in the EFI code of the installer. This has now been fixed.”
But the hardware requirement page says it doens’t support EFI.

So contradiction information.

But I guess it does, but a little messy.
Especially for a project that should not have room for sloppiness and carelessness. This is a firewallI You put your whole network in the hands of this system.

And again, please call it “UEFI”.

No it does not! :laughing:

So we all know that x86_64 UEFI support is given, but how about i586and ARM support @team?

uEFI is only supported by IPFire on 64bit Architectures.
This means x86_64 and the experimental aarch64 builds.

btw. i don’t find nothing about uEFI on the hardware requirements list.

Where have you found this?

Same here. I could not find any hint about EFI in the hardware section.

Also thank you for your complaint - again as an email directly to me. This might not be documented correctly, but do not find it fair to call our work “sloppy”. If you are not happy with IPFire, you have the choice to improve it (you can edit the wiki, too) or to use something else that you think is less “sloppy”. Good luck with the latter one. I think IPFire is great!

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It was in here.

Thanks Terry for your clarification in wiki article.
I think, the deleted paragraph described the situation at the time of the first blog article ( February 2013 ), while the second article about Core Update 124 ( October 2018 ) clearly states the removing of this problem.
BTW: February 2013 article and wiki article were on EFI, in 2018 the situation changed to UEFI ( and his predecessor EFI ). “Old” x86 systems mostly use BIOS or coreboot only, thus there should be no problem.

@Michael Tremer
I have now idea about the quality of the IPFire project, but one would think it would be a rather easy thing to keep a hardware requirement page up-to-date. If the project is not capable of that, who can blame me asking the question “are they capable of running 1000 timer more complex project than a requirement page?”. You probably are, and just prioritize other thing higher, but in all fairness I think I have a point.

It’s still not clear to me if UEFI is supported on which platforms?

From blog :


IPFire now supports booting in EFI mode on BIOSes that support it. Some newer hardware only supports EFI mode and booting IPFire on it was impossible before this update. EFI is only supported on x86_64 .

Existing installations won’t be upgraded to use EFI. However, the flash image and systems installed with one of the installation images of this update are compatible to be booted in both, BIOS and EFI mode.

Although this change does not improve performance and potentially increases the attack vector on the whole firewall system because of software running underneath the IPFire operating system, we are bringing this change to you to support more hardware. It might be considered to disable EFI in the BIOS if your hardware allows for it.

Answers this your question?
BTW: Which x86 board with EFI supoort are you considering?

Perfect, and happy to hear you implemented UEFI support on x64 :slight_smile:
I’m mostly using SuperMicro X11 boards and VM (KVM/QEMU UEFI). Today I’m running multiple OPNsense as VM (KVM), but I’ll give IPFire a spin in the near future.

There was a reference to EFI in the System Requirements:

Again, the wiki is editable for everyone. This project is not a one-man show. Not everything is perfect. You can contribute or help with your donation to help us to buy more resources, but I do not understand the outrage about a comment on the wiki.

Arne has posted this before in this thread.

I used the search but didn’t think about checked if the page has recently been edited.

Why do I call it EFI? Because everybody else does. GRUB calls it EFI. The files are located in /boot/efi. UEFI is a marketing term. I am sure you all can translate this into the term that you would prefer to use.

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basically, most modern hardware is supporting 64 bit, use the 64 bit version kernel, has benefits beyond the memory limit, even if not over 4G mem use 64, better. but even for simple installs with memory cheap would not do less than 8G anyway, remember state machine firewalls do more out of memory and today’s Linux all does not like to swap to disk unless don’t mind performance issues so go with more memory then required which will depend on features are active, like content filtering is memory demanding, plus others beyond just basic firewall