_tty0 AND ttyS0 at the same time

is this ai?

now this i call a fresh function :+1:

let the real topic start:
has anyone a working ipfire grub config
for simultaneously tty0 and ttyS{x}
console output and can show it :question:

regarding the ipfire distro i have found only hearsay so far

more details:
on an intel x86_64 machine with a debian based distro
with the modification console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8

  • starting the machine
  • tty0 and ttyS0 show the same console
  • both console can interrupt the boot and enter bios
  • both show grub and can interact with grub-menu
  • both show the login and can login
    summarise: working as described in documentations

on an intel x86_64 machine with an ipfire based distro
with the modification console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8

  • starting the machine
  • tty0 and ttyS0 show the same console
  • both console can interrupt the boot and enter bios
  • both show grub and can interact with grub-menu
  • tty0 stops on dracut: switching root
  • ttyS0 shows the complete process
  • ttyS0 shows the login and can login
    summarise: working different :thinking:

who succeeded :question::man_detective:

If you add two console statements you will get the kernel messages two both but you cannot assign a login shell to two devices at the same time.

If you dont need the kernel messages you can a additional loginshell to ttyS0 by adding it to /etc/inittab

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so ipfire is not working like debian :question:
the manuals reads to me that the console
can be more than one and it is like a mirror/redirection
like the debian based other machines :person_shrugging:
i will try the inittab :pick:

This is true. debian use systemd as initsystem and IPFire use the older initv.

But if i remember correctly debian switch of /dev/console after boot and run independed getty’s on the tty and serial devices. Maybee systemd emulate a virtual console that can mirrored.

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I was told the differences are systemd supports concurrent execution where initv was just inline execution.

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thx, this explains the difference :+1: