Syncthing ipfire addon

I’m posting to suggest the addition of Syncthing as an official add-on for IPFire. Syncthing is a powerful, open-source, and decentralized file synchronization tool that I believe would be a valuable asset to many IPFire users.

Currently, installing Syncthing on IPFire requires manual installation and configuration, which can be challenging for some users. Having it available as an add-on would greatly simplify the process and make it accessible to a wider audience.

Benefits of a Syncthing Add-on:

– Simplified Installation: An add-on would automate the installation process, making it much easier for users to get Syncthing up and running on their IPFire systems.
– Integrated Management: Integration with the IPFire web interface could provide a convenient way to manage Syncthing settings and monitor its status.
– Improved Security: An officially maintained add-on could ensure that Syncthing is configured securely within the IPFire environment.
– Increased Adoption: Making Syncthing readily available as an add-on could encourage more IPFire users to take advantage of its powerful file synchronization capabilities.


– Resource Usage: Syncthing can be resource-intensive. It would be important to consider the potential impact on IPFire systems, especially those with limited resources.
– Maintenance: Maintaining an add-on requires ongoing effort to ensure compatibility with new IPFire releases and address any bugs or security vulnerabilities.

I understand that adding a new add-on requires careful consideration and development effort. I would be interested to hear the community’s thoughts on this suggestion and whether there are any plans to include Syncthing as an add-on in the future. Perhaps there are community members with the expertise to contribute to such a project?