Hi team,
I know this is a bit off-topic, but should I look for Suricata documentation? The files are properly configured for IPFire settings and setup, but could some external configuration I do might break the system, so …
I instructed my work machine (Windows 11 OS) in the internet settings (advanced configuration from Control Panel - Internet Settings) to work with HTTP/2. I disabled HTTP/1 and HTTP/1.1 with and without proxies. I also enabled only TLS 1.3 and have TLS 1.2 enabled only for the purpose of Windows activities (OneDrive, Store, etc.) functioning properly.
However, in the Suricata config file, HTTP/2 is disabled. I would like to ask if anyone could provide me with the correct parameters to write in IPFire in order to make this work. I suppose Suricata won’t monitor my connections correctly if the HTTP/2 protocol is disabled.