[Solved] How to resize RRD graphs?

updated 1.86 ->> 1.88 and now the RRD graphs are way bigger which leaves me the option to scale the (e.g. qos) page (makes characters hard(er) to read) or having to scroll back and forth within the page to see relevant information (e.g. up and down graphs).

How do I get the old (smaller) sizes back w/o downgrading to 1.86?

What I already tried:
I downloaded /srv/web of 1.86 and 1.88 and did a binary compare. but none of the relevant files seem to have changed, except /srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/ipfire/include/css/style.css but in there not a single “height” changed.

Thank you!

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I noticed the same thing and agree with you. The graphs are larger and take up more screen real estate.

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I think new graphs are better, they are more readable to me.

Maybe just zoom out your browser with CTRL + Mouse wheel when needed?

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If your graphs are larger than the screen on the browser then have you set the browser magnification to a different value than 100%.

When i ran my CU188 Testing with Firefox the graphs fit on a browser page with no trouble. I am running with 100% magnification.

(also @porkyle )
Fine that you like it - I don’t (for the above reasons). So you keep it as it is and I (hopefully!) get back to more information in the same space (I even rather downgrade and stay with 1.86 if there’s no other way).

As written above: I’d have to scale the page down which makes the text/numbers hard(er) to read.

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The issue (if I may speak for @ipfrase ) is that prior to the update, we got used to years of the graphs being a certain dimension that we were able to fit at a certain zoom factor. For example, the QoS graphs I can get both up and down graphs to fit on my screen without having to scroll up or down to see both. Suddenly, they are too large to do this. When you scale the web page to, say, 90%, this also scales the fonts down and depending on your situation, the text may no longer be legible due to being too small.

I can live with the change, but I’m curious what prompted it?

On my system with one graph filling a page at 100% mag, the font is larger than on CU187 or CU186, which is what has often been requested on this forum.

Dunno why we discuss the new layout instead of focusing on the question?

P.S. back in the days I coded (Pascal) we said:
Q: “What’s the shortest developer joke?”
A: “Works over here!”


FYI - the Processes Graph and the Processes Memory Graph got much smaller on the Status Information WebGUI page (menu Status > Services).

It looks like the graphs did get taller and the Hour -->> Year buttons moved.


I thought those graphs were removed since I don’t have any graphs in Status > Services page.

A waste of screen real estate just to “beautify” a UI. Once more functionality is sacrificed just to satisfy people who cannot focus on the job to do.

But the question remains: How/where can I change the height myself, this parameter must be in some changed files, if others got smaller it must be an individual setting per page.

edit: I’m pretty fine editing files directly (already did so with proxylog.dat and rrdimage.js to adapt to my needs), just needed to know which.

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Have you looked into /var/ipfire/graphs.pl? I’m not 100% thats right place.

You could also turn your monitor vertical then youd see much more than just shrinking graphs and get more functional screen estate.

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Hi @ipfrase.

I think the size, watermark, etc… is defined in:





exactly, thank you!
Right in the beginning of said file

aaand it’s beautiful!


Thank you for posting this! This is a wonderful option, so you can customize graph size per system, depending on the monitor you use.

Did you happen to find how to change the buttons back? I find the new buttons overly large, out of the way, and less professional-looking.

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…gets even better if one

  • copies the 1.86 graphs.cgi over (replaces the huge ugly buttons for period displayed) and changes our %canvas_size in line 37
  • removes line 55 (“Watermark” → -W www.ipfire.org from graphs cgi (saves a few pixels height)
  • changes the last line of /srv/web/ipfire/html/themes/ipfire/include/css/style.css from 290px to e.g. 50 px (wastes less space for free areas)

Nice options. Thanks again. Personally, I prefer to leave the watermark. It looks professional and gives them credit if shared in a screenshot. The style.css edit makes a huge difference as well. There is a lot of wasted space at 290px.

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thank you for the hints :dart:
drawback fixed for now :saluting_face:
great to see some focus on details :+1:

@ipfrase I really like your solution, however, where does one get the 186 graphs.gi file(s) from, please?