This my first post. I use solution from website ExpressVPN.
Create dev/tun end create masqurade (iptables) and openvpn (pl.ovpn_
I think so - is bypas, All create of ssh. This is secure solution?
PS. Sorry , my english,ArO from Poland.
All of these external VPN Providers promise security that cannot be confirmed in real Life
For example, I would never trust NordVPN more than my ISP
When push comes to shove, all VPN providers will hand over your Data to law Enforcement
However, that is just my view of Things
With the exception of Mullvad if you read their terms and delve into the worm hole so to speak and only my my opinion.
Wtedy nie byłoby powodu, aby samodzielnie hostować VPN w sieci lokalnej.
Istnieją bezpieczne sposoby uwierzytelniania VPN i SSH oraz niezbyt bezpieczne sposoby, które można wykorzystać. Kluczem RSA dla SSH i certyfikatem dla VPN są najlepsze rozwiązania.
English translation:
Then there would have been no reason for self hosting VPNs on the local network.
There are safe ways to authenticate VPN and SSH and not so safe ways that are exploitable. RSA key for SSH and certificate for VPN are the best practices.