Second eth on USB

Hello All,
what do you think about adding a second eth with an USB3 gigabit adapter?
I am talking about an Intel desktop mini pc, not a Raspberry.
There is no place inside for an additional card.
Thanks for your comments,

Yes. Check Linux compatibility,
I have no recommendations.
This was interesting on using 1 nic and vlans.

This one works for me:

Works well, with IPF, on any PC - I’ve used it on laptops, ARM SBC and now an AMD mini-PC.

Virtually impossible to recommend a model of USB3 Gb adapter. The generic ones I have work, as do USB2-Gb and USB2-10/100, but vendors are often not aware of what chipset is inside the items.

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Yes it really can be a crap shoot. Try to buy name-brand adapters from stores with good return policies.

I have used the 2 Port Protectlii appliance for two years in my home / office. Worked from day one and has never missed a beat.

Thank you All for your comments!

Best wishes,
