Rpi5 as openwrt WAP

Hello, I’m trying to get my pi5 to be the WAP in my home network.

I have green/red/blue network setup. Green machines are working fine.

I connected the pi5 via ethernet to ipfire to assign it an ip its

Now when i connect to the pi directly from another machine via ethernet, i dont get the openwrt web interface at

Can anyone help me


welcome to the IPFire community. :slight_smile:

Is that other machine located in the same network segment as the Raspberry Pi? If so, are its IP and subnet mask set properly?

In order to be able to properly debug your issue, please provide us with additional information on what your network setup looks like, especially what the IP assignments of the IPFire interface looks like, and how IP addresses are allocated to the network the “other machine” is located in (e. g., via DHCP, or statically assigned).

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller


since the blue network is isolated, you either have to plug the computer into the blue network or assign the blue interface to the green network (temporarily for configuring) in ‘zone configuration’ of ipfire.