Remove automatic channel selektion

Weeks ago I changed the selctor of channel to “automatic channel selektion”.
Now I want to go back to “manual” selction.
But this alternative is not offered. I cannot go back to the default.
Has some one an idee?

Which core update are you on?

I think this might have been a bug in Core Update 189.

My only physical system with a wifi card built in was installed with Core Update 189 but then updated to Core Update 190 Testing straight away.

What I can say is that on Core Update 190 Testing I can change to automatic channel selection and then back to individual channel numbers and save the result in between without any problems.

Core Update 190 Testing will be getting its full release shortly.

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Thank you for your quick response.
Yes ist is core 189.
I will wait for core update 190.

It should also work with core189. You have to configure all other settings first and hit “save” one time to reload the page, after this the useable channels should be available.


thank you for a second way of solution.
I will wait until New Year and than I will update to core 190.

I can confirm, that core 190 solved the problem.