I install ipfireos and configure static ip(public ip) on ipfire 2.25-152,then configure internal network server with subnet and public ip. when test, subnet ip ( can ping to red interface ip [public static ip(1.xxx.232.146) and subnet gateway( which config to ipfire],but public ip with red interface and internal physical server can not ping each other.
I deploy private cloud with k8s in physical server, and the web url should public to ethernet for visiting.
I have 4 public ip for each physical machine.
gateway: 1.xxx.232.145
ip: 1.xxx.232.146-150
the following is physical architecture.
my question:
how can public ip ping each other with red interface public ip(1.xxx.232.146) and internal physical server public ip(1.xxx.232.147-150)?
how can I configure so that my application can be accessed normally from the external network?