Raspberry Pi 3B+ WiFi

I am puzzling for days now, and tried all kind of options. When i install ipfire it seems the on board wifi controller is not recognised. When i add an external usb network or wifi device it seems ipfire does recognise the device.
So it all points out the on board device is not enabled or recognised at all… it look likes the on board controller is simply not there…
What am i doing wrong here?


Hi @edegraaff,

for the use of a wifi network in IPFire, you can add the new card from
SSH > Setup > Networking (eg. : blue network)

then add the hostapd addon in the GUI (Pakfire)

access in GUI > IPFire > WLanAP

Kinds regards, Stéphane

i did try that to but the internal wifi seems not to be enabled since it is not recognized… seems internal wifi is in this build not there at all…

When you went through the Installation Steps for Network, what network card was picked for the RED network and what network card was picked for the GREEN network?

For the wifi Installation Steps, did this screen appear? The sdio: brcmfmac is the wifi

disclaimer: I’m not one of the experts but I’ve built up the Raspberry Pi 3B+ with IPFire a couple of times.

hiJon the sdio line item is not there. That is the issue. Seems it is not recognised. Only the ethernet port is detected. I have reinstalled several times now.

Do you know the hardware is O.K.? Please check your wifi with rasperian.

Darn no wifi, and then i opened the box, and guess what… the pi 2 and pi3 boxes are indentical… and i am using a $%# pi 2 and not a 3B+ that one is in the other box… my excuus !

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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