Please tell me what I see there

Hi, maybe a bit unusual question, but after you login with putty on ipfire as root you are in the directory /root and is displayed with ~ like this

: [root@ipfire ~]# .

If I now execute the ls command the content of this directory is displayed in my case there are 2 IP addresses with port number and ipfire as files.
Can someone explain to me what this means, or what is displayed in this directory?
So the one IP address I still understand (gateway ISP) but the other tells me nothing.
What does it stand for? Thank you very much.

Nor sure what you are doing.
The ls command just returns the content of the dircetory you are in.
The file ipfire is probable just a info file.
ls command does not return ip-adresses - this is what the ip addr command does.

The string root@ifire is – root (the user you are logged in with) ipfire is the hostname

~ represents the home directory of the logged in user. You can check that with the pwd command which will than show /root

If you want to work in the shell you should get some basic linux shell knowlegde.

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nothing I only see it and want to know why or for what it stands there.
The IP addresses are files also look please at the screenshot.
Screenshot (90)

I don’t see those files in my /root. It would assist if you could post an image of the output of “ls”.

OTOH, I doubt that you need to directly use those files. The only files in /root that might be editable by a user are the hidden files .bashrc and in the sub-directory .ssh

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Screenshot (91)
I don’t want to use the files, I want to know what they are for and why they are in there? The two IP addresses plus ports are definitely two connections that are also shown in connections.cgi, one is the IP of the provider gateway, but the other goes somewhere in the USA and is completely unknown to me.

I do not have that.

Only a folder name called “ipfire”.

Also curious.


I do not seem to be able to enter that folder. [cd ipfire] throws there is no such folder.
Then again, I am not very good at cli and mostly avoid it.

Folders are shown in blue. The black-text IPFire is simply an empty file. It might be there as a reminder of what system root is being accessed.

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I don’t have IP numbers in my root folder

Hmm, might be because I entered the session via IPMI and not SSH. So virtually physically in front of the computer. That explains a bit.

Now via SSH


That being the content of the /root/ folder.

So you mean i can delete this two files?
Because something like that bothers me and if that doesn’t make any special sense, I’ll just delete the two files.

I suspect those files do no really exists. They must be coming fro the IPMI protocol in opening a console. I would not delete them unless you know it is safe. The fact that you do not see them with SSH strongly support this hypothesis.

I use always putty with ssh connection and see this files.

I misunderstood. Definitely those files are not standard in IPFire. The must come from putty/ssh connection. Some locking mechanism?

These files were created/modified Jul 1 2022.
Do you remember what you were doing with IPFire on that day?


Have you looked at the command history, or issued commands in the console containing, for example, the names of these files?


I am a little intrigued by the size of your command history file




It is too small ?

But that was the hint, didn`t know that there is a history of my command history, very nice… i tried to start tor relay and did tcpdumb because it always fails the connection…now it is clear… i delete the two files now…thank you very much did not thought about that…

history command will list that file, numbering the lines. You can redirect that output to grep to find a specific command: history | grep "history". Also, you can start a backward search by hitting control and r ^r. Once you type the search string, you can hit again ^r to further search back. If you type !!, you run again the last entry, therefore if you realize you needed sudo, you can do sudo !!. If you add a space to a command, it will not show up in the history file (useful to not log passwords in plain text).


I will never learn all the commands in command line, i am happy to start nano and can save the file with write out strg+o ? and quit with strg+x?
or search log file with | grep tor …can move from dictionary to dictionary copy or delete files… i need always an Instruction to mange other things… I know that is not very much but it has brought me here and it helps on all linux plattforms so far… but thanks for the tipps!

In short
The size of this file, may suggest the frequency of use of console commands.
That’s all. :slight_smile:


How long the commands are stored there?
Or is it an endless file, since I delete it?


By default, the .bash_history file is stored for the last 1000 commands executed in the bash shell. However, you can change this value by setting the appropriate option in the .bashrc configuration file.

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