Open VPN roadwarrior satistics problem

I only have 1 VPN setup
others where deleted in the past.
Satistics graphs have all of them listed
lots of Graphs with no data.
is this a bug?
How would you remove them?

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Hi @hvacguy.

I think I remember this same thing happening to me. I think, if I remember correctly, that I looked in /var/log/ and I don’t remember if in “Collect” or where all the information for the graphs is stored there is something that refers to the connections that no longer exist.

Also check that in /var/ipfire/ovpn there is no information about the accounts that no longer exist.

I’m sorry I can’t be more specific but right now, I don’t have access to any IPFire.

Let us know.


A bug report already exists for this issue.

As nothing has happened with it since 2021 it probably needs a new person to pick it up and run with it.

If no one else picks it up then it could eventually get picked up by myself, but I have other bugs that I need to finish dealing with first.