Ntopng - licensed version


First, a big thanks to ummeegge for getting ntopng scripted for IPFire.

A question… Since we are a non-profit, we were able to get a free license for ntopng so that we can set up monitoring by user and to create reports. But the current script installs the community version. Is there a way to allow for the install of the licensed version?


Hi vkykam,
in that case i think you would need the binary packages as far as i know --> https://github.com/ntop/ntopng/issues/97#issuecomment-146322215 since the Github sources are for the community version only.

But it might be an interesting question since IPFire have it´s own structure which is, to my knowledge, not supported by Ntopng. If you want to find out more, the best way will be to ask the developers directly.

