New Firewall Rules missing fields

Hi after upgrading to core 151 i have no more access to the complete firewall rules:

as you can see only the source is loading.I rebooted the server and several browsers but that doesn’t help.

can you help?



first, welcome to the IPFire community. :slight_smile:

Second, you problem suspiciously sounds like this one. Could you please double-check and join the other thread in case you are suffering from the same issue?

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller

Yes it sounds like it too except I’m on arm raspberry pi 3B


thanks; the issue seems to affect any architecture except for x86_64, then. We have had some trouble with the recent Perl version on i586 as far as I can remember, but perhaps there is more… :frowning_face:

I will close this thread to avoid duplicates.

Thanks, and best regards,
Peter Müller