MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi 6E 80MHz

I have a MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi that shall run in AP mode for BLUE.

However there seems to be a problem. It’s working, but only with tx power @ 3dBm / 1mW, so I checked the system info for its right detection.

It’s detected fine:

04:00.0 Network controller: MEDIATEK Corp. MT7921K (RZ608) Wi-Fi 6E 80MHz

The loaded kernel module seems to be fine, too:


However fireinfo shows some other information:

I also don’t have the option to select AX mode in hostapd.

How have got this information. The WebGUI prints what the kernel/iw is reporting but on many wlan cards this output is wrong.

The WebIf shows it.