Manuelly edited ipsec.conf, now inconsistent


i have manually edited /etc/ipsec.conf.
Now there are inconsitencies with the WebUI.
Restoring a backup doesnt solve the problems.
How can i restore an old config?
we have 5 IPsec Tunnels.

ipsec.conf will generated from the WebGui settings if you change any setting in the WebGui. You should not alter ipsec.conf manually.
If you need unsupported parameters use ipsec.user.conf to add additional special ipsec tunnels.

at the moment changes in the webui alter not ipsec.conf

should i delete /etc/ipsec.conf and reboot the system?
Or replace it with /var/ipfire/vpn/ipsec.conf ?

/etc/ipsec.conf should be a symlink to /var/ipfire/vpn/ipsec.conf

my /etc/ipsec.conf is no sym link
(because i have it destroyed with my editings and repairs)

thanks for the hint, i will recreating the sym link later
(/var/ipfire/vpn/ipsec.conf differs from /etc/ipsec.conf,
/var/ipfire/vpn/ipsec.conf looks like my WebUI settings)
