It´s normal? time to update to 188 Development Build


I have upgraded from 187 to 188 Development Build to test it and it took me this long:

|08:08:15|pakfire:|PAKFIRE INFO: Pakfire has finished. Closing.|
|08:08:15|pakfire:|PAKFIRE WARN: No new package upgrades available.|
|08:08:15|pakfire:|DB INFO: packages_list.db is 995 seconds old. - DEBUG: noforce|
|08:08:15|pakfire:|PAKFIRE INFO: Checking for package updates...|
|08:08:15|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-188: Finished.|
|08:08:15|pakfire:|CLEANUP: tmp|
|08:00:58|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-188: Upgrading files and running post-upgrading scri pts...|
|08:00:58|pakfire:|DECRYPT FINISHED: core-upgrade-188 - Status: 0|
|08:00:52|pakfire:|DECRYPT STARTED: core-upgrade-188|
|08:00:52|pakfire:|CLEANUP: tmp|
|08:00:52|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-188: Decrypting...|
|08:00:52|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-187: Finished.|
|08:00:51|pakfire:|CLEANUP: tmp|
|07:52:22|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-187: Upgrading files and running post-upgrading scri pts...|
|07:52:22|pakfire:|DECRYPT FINISHED: core-upgrade-187 - Status: 0|
|07:52:17|pakfire:|DECRYPT STARTED: core-upgrade-187|
|07:52:17|pakfire:|CLEANUP: tmp|
|07:52:17|pakfire:|PAKFIRE UPGR: core-upgrade-187: Decrypting...|
|07:52:17|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade -2.29-188.ipfire|
|07:52:17|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of core-upgrade-2.29-188.ipfire is fine.|
|07:52:12|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:52:11|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:52:04|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.2 9-188.ipfire has size of 92293895 bytes|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakf ire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-188.ipfire|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: paks/core-upgrade-2.29-188.ipfire|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/meta/meta-core-up grade-188|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of meta-core-upgrade-188 is fine.|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:52:03|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/meta/meta-core-upgrad e-188 has size of 1032 bytes|
|07:52:02|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakf ire2/2.29.1-x86_64/meta/meta-core-upgrade-188|
|07:52:02|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: meta/meta-core-upgrade-188|
|07:52:02|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade -2.29-187.ipfire|
|07:52:02|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of core-upgrade-2.29-187.ipfire is fine.|
|07:52:00|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:52:00|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:51:57|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.2 9-187.ipfire has size of 40120975 bytes|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakf ire2/2.29.1-x86_64/paks/core-upgrade-2.29-187.ipfire|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: paks/core-upgrade-2.29-187.ipfire|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|CORE UPGR: Upgrading from release 186 to 188|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|CORE INFO: core-list.db is 15 seconds old. - DEBUG: noforce|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|CORE INFO: Checking for Core-Updates...|
|07:51:56|pakfire:|PAKFIRE INFO: IPFire Pakfire 2.29.1-x86_64 started!|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|PAKFIRE INFO: Pakfire has finished. Closing.|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/core-list.d b|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of core-list.db is fine.|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:51:41|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/core-list.db ha s size of 903 bytes|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakf ire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/core-list.db|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: lists/core-list.db|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|CORE INFO: core-list.db is 1395 seconds old. - DEBUG: force|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/packages_li st.db|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of packages_list.db is fine.|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:51:40|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakfire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/packages_list.d b has size of 4992 bytes|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: /mirrors/pub/ipfire/pakf ire2/2.29.1-x86_64/lists/packages_list.db|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: lists/packages_list.db|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DB INFO: packages_list.db is 1395 seconds old. - DEBUG: force|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD FINISHED: 2.29.1-x86_64/lists/server-list.db|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Signature of server-list.db is fine.|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK|
|07:51:39|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: 2.29.1-x86_64/lists/server-list.db has size of 981 bytes|
|07:51:38|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: (HTTPS) - File: 2.29.1-x86_64/lists/ser ver-list.db|
|07:51:38|pakfire:|DOWNLOAD STARTED: 2.29.1-x86_64/lists/server-list.db|
|07:51:38|pakfire:|MIRROR INFO: server-list.db is 1395 seconds old. - DEBUG: force|
|07:51:38|pakfire:|PAKFIRE INFO: IPFire Pakfire 2.29.1-x86_64 started!|

Start time: 07:52:17
End time: 08:08:15
Time spent: 15:58 minutes

Is it normal for it to take so long?.

My profile: - Profile f583b15e74e20477b02c13b05d961386153d2c35


I did the update on two of my vm testing machines and they both took around 2.5 minutes so a little longer but there are a lot of package updates in CU188 so a lot of files to replace but 16 minutes does seem long.

Did the update complete successfully after the 15 minutes and is your IPFire working properly?

Yes, apparently yes.

I see the visual changes in Console and also and more importantly, doing a speed test, it went from 510Mbps download to 840Mbps.

I haven’t tested any more yet, but apparently it has been done correctly.

Greetings and thanks. And most importantly, GOOD JOB!!!

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Thanks @roberto

The only thing I can think of is if your Hard Disk is a slow one then all the files to be written might have taken more time.

Or if the hard disk is having some problems. In that case it might be worth looking in the SMART section on the WUI to see if the disk is passing all tests or starting to have issues.


Hi Adolf,

Yes, you’re right. I didn’t remember that I have it on a class 10 MicroSD.


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