ISO download mirror down

Hi all, it sems your mirror for the latest ISO,, is down or not responding. I keep getting an error saying the site cannot be reached. This is also apprently affecting IPFire backups, as the ISO cannot be created.

I just checked and that mirror is accessible.

It is also showing up as updated and live on the mirrors list

It is the mirror in Morroco and you can see it has a green button on it indicating it is sync updated.

Try redoing the sync of the lists again on the pakfire page by pressing the Refresh list button

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@bonnietwin Thank you, it does seem to be working now. I do know we in South Africa have been having connectivity issues with three of the undersea cables supplying us damaged recently, so that may have been the cause of my issue.

Yes, I did see that there was a lot of internet interruption issues occurring in South Africa.
Hopefully they will be able to fix whatever the problem is before too long.

Glad the mirror is working for you now.

@bonnietwin Yep, me too. Connectivity is very flaky at the moment, with some sites sometimes not opening up immediately, included. Very frustrating. There are some reports the cables were actually damaged by some roadworks in Côte d’Ivoire, near Abidjan, although this has not been confirmed yet. For those interested:

The Red Sea situation can affect also South Africa?

Yep, as per that article, three of the undersea cables that supply us run through the Red Sea, as can be seen on the map in the article I posted.

If your is down and unresponsive, than you have to try the alternative mirror to download the latest version of IPFire.