Iphone ovpn with ipfire

Hello Everybody,

( How to set up a roadwarrior config in OpenVPN, using “OpenVPN connect” for Android and iOS - Virtual Private Networks / OpenVPN - IPFire Community

i have used the above link to cofigure a opnvpn data for my iphone x but i stuck in this position and i don’t really know where i can implement these construction before i transfer the Data ordner to my Iphone.

iOS How-to

This tutorial has been tested with iOS 10.3.3 (ancient history), however it should work well also in modern versions. For iOS the setting is complicated by the fact that the OS does not make available the certificate authority (CA) from the .p12 bundle, therefore we need to extract the CA certificate and modify the .ovpn file to add a pointer to it.

  1. First, Install from Apple Store OpenVPN connect on your iOS machine;
  2. Deliver the content of the client package from step 5 of the “Common preliminary steps” section to any folder of your desktop or laptop where you also have installed openssl; after unzipping the package and changing directory to the unzipped folder, issue the following openssl command from the console:
openssl pkcs12 -in ios.p12 -cacerts -nokeys -out cacert.pem

It does not matter how you call the certificate, as long as you correctly point to it in the next step.

  1. edit with a text editor the .ovpn file. You need to introduce a link to the cacert file (here I put it below the tls-auth directive, but it should not matter where you place it):
tls-auth ta.key # <--- already present
ca cacert.pem # <--- add this, pointing to the cacert as you called it in the opnessl

I have a laptop and i can edit the opnvpn file on my laptop but i don’t know how to install openssl on my laptop.

i’m a beginner and please don’t mind !!

Have someone an Iphone and uses the opnvpn to connect from outside to ipfire??

i would be glad about every comment!!!

best regards