IPFire went down last night, can't find cause

I should also mention to everyone that over the weekend IPFire stopped communicating with the internal LAN. When I came into the building the appliance was still powered on. I could log into the console, I could communicate and ping public domains and ip addresses, but I could not ping or communicate with anything on the green interface (LAN) other than the green’s IP address.

Before restarting I tried starting / restarting all services I could in /etc/init.d including:

acpid, apache, beep, collectd, console, cyrus-sasl, dhcp, dhcp-relay, fireinfo, firewall, ipsec, localnet, network, ntp, rc, squid, sshd, static-routes,suricata,unbound.

None of this made a difference, only restarting the whole appliance brought it back online Sunday night at 10:00 PM.

Now, I like my job, but I don’t particularly want to be there 24/7 to babysit this ongoing problem.

If this situation comes up again, what other services do you suggest that I restart in order to get the system back up and going again without having to restart the whole router? In an Ideal world I would like to find the service that’s a problem, and then fix the issue so this stops happening, or at least set up a cron job to restart that service at regular intervals to avoid having to babysit the whole system all the time.

Any suggestions?



With the patch the client cannot connect to openVPN, get the message ‘push_request’ (status=1)

Will this Patch be rolled into Core-Update 172?

I think it is

This is the build info from the 17th:

See the 4th and 5th “commit” for the patch.

To be sure it works you may want to do some testing:

No it won’t be in CU172. It is being removed due to report from @schami23 in the bug that the OTP aspect no longer worked with the patch in place although it does stop the memory and cpu consumption. So further work is still required on the bug.

See the following post in this thread for the bug link to check latest status

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Ugh! my bad!!