IPFire went down last night, can't find cause

Hi Adolf,
have yesterday discovered it by checking some OpenVPN development and debugging. Since i run currently OpenVPN-2.6.dev version i first wasn´t sure where it comes from but since the log entries appears also at @cwensink it seems that it has nothing to do with the OpenVPN dev binary. Have checked (clicked around) the OpenVPN WUI and there it seems somehow appears the OOM by calling /usr/sbin/openvpn-authentication.
Checked via script →

# Displays running processes in descending order of OOM score
printf 'PID\tOOM Score\tOOM Adj\tCommand\n'
while read -r pid comm; do
	[ -f /proc/$pid/oom_score ] && [ $(cat /proc/$pid/oom_score) != 0 ] && printf '%d\t%d\t\t%d\t%s\n' "$pid" "$(cat /proc/$pid/oom_score)" "$(cat /proc/$pid/oom_score_adj)" "$comm";
done < <(ps -e -o pid= -o comm=) | sort -k 2nr


the OOM scores of the processes and there openvpn-authent appears at the very top →

PID	OOM Score	OOM Adj	Command
5272	981		0	openvpn-authent
6830	810		0	openvpn-authent
2018	772		0	Suricata-Main
3195	676		0	pmacctd
5743	673		0	tor
1619	670		0	unbound
2327	669		0	squid
3187	669		0	pmacctd
11963	668		0	httpd
12839	668		0	collectd
4444	668		0	unbound-dhcp-le
7013	668		0	openvpn-authent
7934	668		0	zsh
19707	667		0	haproxy
3240	667		0	snmpd
4406	667		0	dhcpd
8146	667		0	oom_scores.sh
8147	667		0	oom_scores.sh
11958	666		0	httpd
1570	666		0	vnstatd
1630	666		0	acpid
1662	666		0	dbus-daemon
1679	666		0	hostapd
2325	666		0	squid
2472	666		0	saslauthd
2473	666		0	saslauthd
2484	666		0	cupsd
2538	666		0	ntpd
2654	666		0	httpd
2704	666		0	fcron
2715	666		0	nginx
2716	666		0	nginx
3227	666		0	avahi-daemon
3228	666		0	avahi-daemon
3445	666		0	agetty
3446	666		0	agetty
3447	666		0	agetty
3448	666		0	agetty
3449	666		0	agetty
3450	666		0	agetty
5424	666		0	dma
5432	666		0	dma
5445	666		0	dma
5447	666		0	dma
5458	666		0	dma
5479	666		0	dma
5483	666		0	dma
5485	666		0	dma
587	666		0	lvmetad
6977	666		0	openvpn
7932	666		0	sshd
8148	666		0	sort
8949	666		0	dma
8951	666		0	dma
8952	666		0	dma
8954	666		0	dma
8955	666		0	dma
8957	666		0	dma
8958	666		0	dma
8959	666		0	dma
8960	666		0	dma
8961	666		0	dma
8963	666		0	dma
8964	666		0	dma
8965	666		0	dma
8989	666		0	dma
9013	666		0	dma
9016	666		0	dma
9017	666		0	dma
9022	666		0	dma
9025	666		0	dma
9027	666		0	dma
9028	666		0	dma
9029	666		0	dma
9037	666		0	dma
9038	666		0	dma
9039	666		0	dma
9040	666		0	dma
9048	666		0	dma
9049	666		0	dma
9055	666		0	dma
2640	656		-16	sshd

may a possible memory leak ???

But this seems to be another topic won´t make here an OT…



P.S.: Have also Core 169 running…