Hi guys, so I after testing IPFire in another system and getting it up and running, I saw the potential of running IPfire on a Raspberry Pi 5 for being small and compact (less space in my room). But… after flashing the latest image to the Raspi 5 I’m getting the following error. I tried adding the line to the config.txt file about os_check=0 as displayed on the screen, but it just made it worst. I can’t get the raspberry pi 5 to load IPFire. Any help will be appreciated.
Do you know if the RP4 is supported? Are all versions of the RP4 supported?
I thought the RP5 was the best ever RP right of the box … I’m even having issues with it with just running the raspberry PI OS… not working with my screen resolution. But that’s a topic for a different forum. Sad to hear it doesn’t work with the RP5.
I’m not really sure. I have tested the first versions (1,2 and 8GB RAM) but some users has reported problems with the mmc slot on newer hardware revisions. USB boot seems always work.
If you encounter problems with the mmc try to erase the boot.scr from the first partition, this force the rpi to use grub instead of boot directly via u-boot.
At my system ‘sensors’ and also /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp
reports both the temperature but this works only if the correct dtb is loaded in u-boot so if you force the grub boot this cannot work.
Thank you guys. I’m giving up on the RP versions. Decided to use a bulky full blown humongous old system. Less headache and should work right of the bat once I get it going, it’ll just take ton of space. Hopefully in the future support is added for the RP5 and then I’ll try it again.
Thank you all for your comments. Maybe in future kernel releases the RP5 is supported.
Thank you. Arne.F explained that the RP5 is not supported yet on the current Ipfire kernel version. I appreciate the documentation. Hopefully in a near future support is added for the RP5.
The RP5 documentation only shows how amazing the RP5 will be someday… . Right now it’s… lacking support from everywhere. Even running Raspberry PI OS is bad, I run the issue where the RP5 doesn’t detect my monitor LOL. Disregard the monitor part, that’s a topic for a raspberry forum. They even have a Sticky thread about how to manually figure out and set the monitor or TV resolution. The whole thing is a pain and time waste, so don’t worry about my monitor resolution detection issue Lol, I’ll use the RP 5 for something less important .
Before this support is added to the kernel and u-boot IPFire will not work.
You can compile it on RPi5 without problems but it will not run on RPi5. The output is the same if you compile it on RPi3, RPi4 or our hosted arm64 buildservers…