IPFire compilation

Hello all
I try to compile fresh ipfire-2.x with correct documentations for add wazuh agent.
When I do the first build, failed when “Checking for missing rootfiles…”:
“8812au-20210629-e6a0d1704ccd31145800ff5eb09ec2435a02f995-kmod-6.6.47-ipfire is missing a rootfile”
I also try to suppress rtl8812au…tar.gz, lfs/rtl8812, the line appropriate to rtl8812au in make.sh and patchs/rtl8812au without success too.
Any idea for it please ? I’m stuck.

Hallo @prichard30

Welcome to the IPFire community

That specific error you have to just ignore. It is an abnormal package that ends up with the error. It is not an easy one to filter out without filtering out messages on thongs you need to be aware of.

As long as it is only that package then your build was successfull.