Where is If it is on the Red side, to access the GUI you want a destination of Red and not Green. You then access the gui using the Red IP. You may want to also limit the protocol/port to tcp:444.
I terms of where httpd is listening, if it is listening on IPv6, it is also listening on IPv4 but netstat does not show it.
This has nothing to do with the firewall it is basic IP networking.
172.17.70.x is not part of the green network so the packets not reach the the firewall at all. This is the reason why firewall rules cannot work.
First you have to manually add a second IP of the network to the green nic add firewall rules to accept this and allow it in the webserver config.
If the green NIC of IPFire is and should handle traffic from network ( this is either or the client ) it must be part of a common network
The network is not part/subnet of this.
So what you’re telling me is that to access the green card you need to be part of its subnetmask example with subnetmask if so if I had to have a network like in the example what should I do to get a new network card?
sorry for my questions but I want to understand how it works
If I wanted to put the three private networks in the green area what should I do?
By private networks I mean, and
I think your problem isn’t in firewalling but in networking and routing.
IPFire is basically a router, which routes the networks attached to red NIC and green NIC. The firewall intercepts this traffic with rules.
The network definition for red is usually given by DHCP or statically by the ISP.
The network definition for green must be configured in IPFire, at installation or with setup from a CLI shell.
Without a router in the green network all clients must be part of the network definition.
See also www.ipfire.org - Step 5: Network Setup
If you have three different, separate networks you have to join them by a router between network10, network172, network192 and networkIPFire.
BTW: is a member of is a free example ip in this network and the gateway/router. In the router of you must add a route for your green network to
In which file do you think it should be saved? I have been using this option for years and so far it has worked well. But I’m always open to a better solution.